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Online Feedback Form

We value your feedback as it helps us to improve our care and services.


You may provide us with comments, concerns and suggestions by completing the form below, when you:

  • wish to share ideas for improving services

  • have concerns about your rights or privacy

  • wish to send thanks to an employee for providing excellent care

  • would like to provide us with feedback about our accommodations for people with disabilities

  • have comments you would like to share with us


PLEASE NOTE: This process is intended to be for general comments and suggestions only and should not pertain to your healthcare. You will not receive a response when submitting this form. If you have an inquiry for your healthcare provider, please contact your clinic directly or use the General Inquiries form.


Share your experience with us
I am a:
This is a:

Thanks for sharing! We always strive to improve.


The Kingston Family Health Team cannot be held responsible for the risks associated with communicating by the internet. These include timeliness of orders, accuracy, confidentiality and integrity of the information.

The information collected through the above form may be used to contact you to provide information regarding available medical services. It is not necessary to provide information through this form to obtain medical services.

As an alternative to using the internet, you may choose to communicate with us by phone, fax, mail or in person.

Any information that you provide may be processed through email servers (which is not a secure method of communication) and/or through a third-party service provider that may be located in the United States or another foreign country. The governments, courts or law enforcement or regulatory agencies of any such country may be able to obtain disclosure of your personal information through the laws of such foreign country.

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