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Flu Shots & Immunizations

Child Immunizations


Ensuring that your child is immunized against serious vaccine-preventable diseases (like measles and mumps, for example) is one of the most important things you can do as a parent.  Vaccines are safe and effective - the benefits to children's health far outweigh any risks.  Have questions? Talk to your healthcare provider.


Infant and child immunizations are due at 2, 4, 6, 12, 15, 18 months and 4-6 years of age (per the Canadian Immunization Guide).



Flu Shots

The most effective way to protect yourself from the flu is to be vaccinated each year in the fall. The benefits of getting the flu shot outweigh the risks.  You cannot get the flu from the flu vaccine as it does not contain any live virus. Most people have no reaction to the influenza vaccine, and almost all of those who do have only minor side effects, such as a sore arm or mild fever. These side effects are a normal reaction to receiving influenza vaccine, not influenza.


The Kingston Family Health Team holds flu shot clinics each fall.


Please contact your physician's office if you have received the flu shot elsewhere (i.e. community flu shot clinic, pharmacy).



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